Dieudonne lives in the village of Rwintare in Kigabiro, Rutunga. Twelve years ago, while working in a mine, he had a catastrophic injury that left him paralysed. He now uses a wheelchair and is supported by his dad, Jean Baptiste.
Living with a disability in a rural village where food and income is mostly from farming, makes it a tough life. But Dieudonne joined his local church’s self-help group for people with disabilities.
Now, alongside his business repairing radios, mobile phones and other electronic equipment, he joins in with the group’s craft activities. It has proved to be life-changing for Dieudonne, who used to spend most of his days in his home.
‘I started meeting with people who had similar problems to me,’ he says. ‘It helped me to stop feeling alone. When you meet with people and realise that you are not alone, it helps you think better. When we sit together and chat about the challenges we all face, we encourage one another. And that’s a big relief.’