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Rubbish Campaign Petition

Sign our petition so negotiators working on the plastics treaty don't waste this opportunity!

We’re standing with Christians from more than ten countries and six continents, and calling for bold action to end the plastics crisis. We need an effective, binding plan that holds big polluters to account, reduces plastic production, supports the vital work of waste pickers, and ends the impacts of plastic pollution on people living in poverty.

This rubbish situation can change if we act together.

Dear Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and all those negotiating on the plastics treaty,

Don’t throw away this opportunity!

The UK Government must ensure this plastics treaty helps end the world’s rubbish problem. With people around the world, we’re calling for the treaty to address fully the impacts of plastic pollution on those living in poverty, by including:

  • Reduction: legally binding targets to reduce plastic production and scale up refill solutions
  • Recycling: funding for the collection and recycling of everyone’s rubbish
  • Respect: support for waste pickers, including a just transition
  • Response: mechanisms to ensure businesses and governments take action

For more ways to join our Rubbish Campaign, visit our campaign page.

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You are signing the Rubbish Campaign petition