God with us. These three words are the light in our darkness; the redemption of our brokenness. They are the great mystery and our ultimate hope. God with us. Over the next two weeks, let that be our refrain as we pray for ourselves, for the nations and for people living in poverty.
These Christmas reflections are by Gideon Heugh, a poet and liturgist. He has published two collections of poetry, Devastating Beauty and Rumours of Light, and a devotional, Darkling: an Advent Journey.
Tip: you may want to have a pen and paper (or a digital device you can take notes on) to hand during these prayers.
Sunday 17 December
Emmanuel, we consecrate this time anew. We thank you that you hear us. No matter our circumstances, no matter what may be happening in the world, help us to hold on to this stunning truth: that you are with us. Guide our prayers; lead us far into the heart you have for us, for the nations and for people living in poverty.
Monday 18 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our doubt. God’s embrace is more than wide enough to encompass our doubts. Think of an area in which you are experiencing doubt; in which a nation might be experiencing doubt; and in which people living in poverty might be experiencing doubt. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Tuesday 19 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our woundedness. God is no stranger to wounds; through Christ he both bears them and binds them up. Think of a wound that you are carrying; one that a nation is carrying; and one that people in poverty might be carrying. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Wednesday 20 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our sorrow. God is ‘close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit’ (Psalm 34:18). Think of an area in your life in which you are feeling sorrow; in which a nation may be feeling sorrow; and in which people living in poverty may be feeling sorrow. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Thursday 21 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our hunger and thirst. God is the bread of life, and the fountain of living water. Think of an area in your life in which you are experiencing hunger and thirst (physical or spiritual); a nation that might be experiencing this; and people living in poverty who might be experiencing this. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Friday 22 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our loneliness. God longs for us to be connected – to each other, to creation and to him. We thrive when we are in community. Think of a way in which you might be experiencing loneliness at the moment, then do the same for a nation, and for people living in poverty. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Saturday 23 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our mistakes. Nothing can separate us from the love of God; we are as removed from our sin as east is from west. Think of a mistake that you, a nation or people living in poverty, might be dwelling on. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Sunday 24 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our fear. At so many moments in the Christmas story, people will have felt great fear. Yet they moved forward, and witnessed the miraculous. Think of a fear that you, a nation and people living in poverty, might be feeling at the moment. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Monday 25 December
God is with us. God, thank you that you are with us – utterly, eternally, unconditionally. Thank you that you will never leave us nor forsake us. We give thanks for the birth of Christ. We praise you for the light that overcomes the darkness. May we remember that Christmas is not just a day – it is a living reality. Amen.
Tuesday 26 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our hope. Hope is not a feeling, it is a person. Hope is Christ. Think of an area in your life in which you need hope, a nation that needs hope and people living in poverty who need hope. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Wednesday 27 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our wonder. Awe and beauty and delight all pull our hearts towards God, who is the source of these things. Our job is to pay attention to them. Think of how you might cultivate wonder in your own life; what wonder could look like for a nation; and what it could look like for people living in poverty. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Thursday 28 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our interconnectedness. Nothing in creation exists in isolation. We are part of one body – an extension of incarnation. Think of how your life is connected to others the connections that exist between nations; and how we are connected with people in churches across the world. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Friday 29 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our liberation. The story of God is of oppression to liberation, from exclusion to inclusion, from slavery to promised lands. Think of an area in your life that needs liberation; an area in a nation’s life; and an area in the lives of people living in poverty. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’
Saturday 30 December
Thank you, God, for being with us in our rest. God invites us – even commands us – to rest. It is essential to the health of our souls. Rest says: our worth is inherent, not reliant on our work. Think of ways in which you could find rest; in which a nation could find rest; and in which people living in poverty could find rest. Then ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray for these three things: ‘God, you are with us in...’