Years of conflict in Yemen have led to high levels of hunger and of psychological trauma, and have damaged and degraded basic services such as access to clean water and safe sanitation. Despite the challenges, the people of Yemen continue to show incredible resilience and have an unwavering hope and desire for change. This week, pray for the support groups run by one of Tearfund’s local partners, which are equipping communities with strategies for conflict resolution and dealing with trauma.
Sunday 17 March
Thank you, Lord, for Tearfund’s partner in Yemen which is giving people the space and time to share and process their emotions and experiences. We pray for more people to begin to heal from the pain they have experienced since the conflict began. Thank you that these groups are a lifeline to many people. Amen.
Monday 18 March
Aref is a member of a community committee in Yemen. He was pleased when Tearfund’s partner arrived to support his community. Praise God for the positive relationship with Aref’s committee, that the voices and needs of the community could be heard through this forum, and for the sense of dignity and empowerment this has created. Ask that our local partners will be able to reach more people like Aref.
Tuesday 19 March
‘We are thankful for your efforts and services, which are visible to everyone here,’ says Aref. ‘You have achieved resounding success with energy and transparency. Life is fair because you are here, so please stay with us.’ Pray that more communities in Yemen will be reached and empowered by the work of our partners.
Wednesday 20 March
Years of violent conflict have taken their toll on Mustafa. Now he uses the words angry, nervous, harsh and bossy to describe himself. ‘I was consumed with the feeling that I was the prince and everyone was my slave,’ explains Mustafa. Pray for people in Yemen who feel angry and helpless, that they will receive the support they need.
Thursday 21 March
Mustafa surprised everyone by signing up to our partner’s training course. He sat through lessons on spending time with people, empathetic listening, growing in emotional intelligence and making honourable choices. ‘I have apologised to many I've wronged,’ Mustafa says. ‘My 12-year-old son said, “You've become nice, Dad.”’ Praise God for this change in Mustafa.
Friday 22 March
Kamaria was engaged to a man she loved, but her father ended the engagement and forced her into a marriage with an older, wealthier man. Kamaria hated her father, her husband and her life. ‘When anyone would start to talk to me, I would erupt in shouting. I felt sick all the time and wished to die,’ explains Kamaria, ‘I would even beat my children.’ Pray that those in power in Yemen will take action to end forced marriage and to protect the rights of women and girls.
Saturday 23 March
Seeing Kamaria’s depression and anger, a neighbour signed Kamaria up to a support group with Tearfund’s partner, which helped her to cope with her negative feelings. ‘My life changed radically from negative to positive,’ says Kamaria. ‘I got rid of depression and isolation and learnt to better communicate with my children so that I no longer hit them. I feel grateful for everything in my life now.’ Pray that more lives will be transformed like Kamaria’s.