The role of the church - Haiti Video 2
Churches and communities in Haiti are walking the talk when it comes to creation care. The second instalment of our 4-part series looks at the inspiring difference that local churches are making at tackling the plastic problem in their communities.
Written by Tearfund | 09 Mar 2020
Churches and communities in Haiti are walking the talk when it comes to creation care. The second instalment of our 4-part series looks at the inspiring difference that local churches are making at tackling the plastic problem in their communities.
Video transcript
Marc Antoine (Haiti Country Director): ‘I came to Haiti because one of the underlying issues is injustice. And one of the reasons why communities are not developed and one of the reasons why people are in poverty is because of injustice. So what we’re doing now is working with the churches where we do a creation care module, where they’re preaching and teaching what the Bible has to say on the environment and on creation. So from our creation care module that they’ve been preaching, we are seeing communities getting together for community clean up days.’
Gina (church member): ‘So today was trash collection day, clean up day. It’s a really great idea to keep the streets clean where we’re living, our neighbourhoods, and we understand that it’s important to do that. I think that it’s good that the church can be different and be an example in the community of how things should be done.’
Pastor Sony (pastor of participating church): ‘So I think it’s normal for the church to get involved in activities like this one because it is the responsibility of the church to take care of God’s creation, because God called us to take care of his creation.'
Wilson (community member): ‘Because of the lack of government assistance and government work in these communities the church really has to play its role. It’s not just about preaching, but it’s about action. So if the church can take the gospel and preach it, but also act it, and live it out, then we can create a lot of transformation.’
Find resources and ways to get involved on our Rubbish Campaign page.
Watch the other videos in this four-part series:
Part 1: The problem of waste
Part 2: The role of the church (current video)
Part 3: Green initiatives
Part 4: Plastic transformation
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Written by Tearfund
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