On Good Friday, Jesus cried out ‘My God my God, why have you forsaken me?’ (Matthew 27:46). In the darkest of moments, in the deepest of challenges, our faith can be tested. Where is God? How is he at work?
Throughout the Bible, God is described as a ‘rock’: faithful, dependable, never-changing. One of the Bible's overarching storylines is about a God who rescues his people time after time – his enduring love for us on full display, again and again. No matter the circumstances, God is an ever-present help.
Our world today is no stranger to darkness. Conflict is rife. The climate crisis is causing hunger and hurt. Poverty and injustice are everywhere. Where is God? How is he at work?
Below, our global team share six reflections on how God has remained faithful in the face of disaster. Read through them – you could read one each day over the coming week – and be encouraged by God our rock, and how God might be moving in similar ways in your own life.
Pray with us
As you engage with the reflections, take time to pray with God – our constant companion. We have included two ideas for how you can do this.
Option one: pray as led by the Holy Spirit
Read through the headlines below, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you to pray for one particular country or region. Read through that particular reflection, spending time in prayer for it.
Option two: pray through all of the reflections
You can either do this in one go or split them over a week – spending a day on each different country, finishing with the worship video that we have included at the end. This works well for small groups and discussions.
However you choose to pray, we hope these are a blessing and encouragement to you this Easter. Thank you for your ongoing support.