The Justice Conference returned to unite hundreds of Christians to explore the theology of justice, after a successful first UK conference in 2018.
The event, hosted by international Christian relief and development agency Tearfund alongside 11 partner organisations, is part of a global movement with conferences taking place in eight other countries throughout the world, all providing a platform for the faith and justice community.
'Let Justice Roll' was this year's theme, focusing on six calls from the book of Amos; to remember, to places of pain, to lament, to righteousness, to true worship and to rebuild. Keynotes and seminars explored what these mean in various expressions of justice throughout the world.
Speakers from around the world came together to challenge the 500 strong audience on how justice can be addressed within the UK church and throughout the world.
René August reminded us that resolving injustice will not be an easy ride, 'We cannot worship Jesus without a willingness to go to places of pain. A call to the places of pain was the very place that Jesus occupies in the scriptures.'
Euegune Cho asked delegates to act upon what they heard over the two days, 'We have to make sure justice goes beyond textbook and theory.'
The event blended the arts and speech to create a unique atmosphere. Thandi Gamedze poet and performer shared her poem called 'Let Justice Roll', whilst Michah Bournes challenged our perceptions on inequality saying there is no such thing as 'almost equal' during his spoken word performance.
Jo Herbert-James, the conference’s director commented:
'Over the two days, we welcomed God to move amongst us, as we journeyed through the book of Amos and wrestled with issues of injustice that we see in the world around us and right on our doorsteps. We couldn’t have done it without the hard work and dedication of our core team, wonderful partners and fantastic volunteers.'
The Justice Conference events takes place around the world and throughout the year, and are open to all Christians, from all expressions and denominations of church, that want to explore the theme of justice.
Recordings of the sessions at the conference can be ordered via Essential Christian.
For details of upcoming UK events and to register for updates, visit or find the conference on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook by following @justiceconfuk.
For further information call Oliver Needham on 07929 353530, email [email protected], or call the Tearfund Media Team on 020 3906 3131. For out of hours media enquiries please call 07929 339813.
Notes for editors
The Justice Conference UK 2020 took place on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February 2020.
1) Marsha de Cordova MP on stage at The Justice Conference UK 2020. The Drum, Wembley. Friday 22nd February 2020. Marc Gilgen/The Justice Conference.
2) Eugene Cho at The Justice Conference UK 2020. The Drum, Wembley. Friday 22nd February 2020. Marc Gilgen/The Justice Conference.
3) Esther Swaffield-Bray, IJM, leading a breakout session at The Justice Conference UK 2020. The Drum, Wembley. Friday 22nd February 2020. Marc Gilgen/The Justice Conference.
About The Justice Conference
The Justice Conference is a global movement encouraging thousands of Christ-followers to live. Founded in the US in 2010, it now takes place in seven countries around the world, exploring the theology of justice and how we can respond practically to the injustices we see in the world.
For more information about The Justice Conference globally, visit
For more information about The Justice Conference in the UK, visit
About Tearfund
Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency and a member of the Disasters’ Emergency Committee. Tearfund has been working around the world for more than 50 years responding to disasters and helping lift communities out of poverty.
For more information about the work of Tearfund, visit