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Tearfund home Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Help where the need is greatest

Donation summary

How often would you like to donate:

You are making a single donation monthly donation quarterly donation annual donation

Add a tribute to your loved one (Optional)

Along with your gift, you can leave a tribute to your loved one, which will appear on our memory garden page

What flower would you like?

This can be up to a maximum of 200 words long

This will appear immediately under your tribute message. If you’d rather the tribute was anonymous, please leave this blank

Choose photo to upload

My details

Please complete if you’re happy for our lovely team to call you occasionally about how your support is changing the world.

My address

This only needs to be filled in if receiving by post

My privacy

We promise to never pass your details on to another organisation for marketing purposes. We will store your personal data securely and use this information to communicate with you in the ways you have chosen.

If you want to find out more, take a look at our full privacy policy

You can change how we communicate with you at any time by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 3906 3906


You are making a single donation monthly donation quarterly donation annual donation

Cookie preferences

Your privacy and peace of mind are important to us. We are committed to keeping your data safe. We only collect data from people for specific purposes and once that purpose has finished, we won’t hold on to the data.

For further information, including a full list of individual cookies, please see our privacy policy.

  • These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems.

  • These cookies allow us to measure and improve the performance of our site. All information these cookies collect is anonymous.

  • These allow for a more personalised experience. For example, they can remember the region you are in, as well as your accessibility settings.

  • These cookies help us to make our adverts personalised to you and allow us to measure the effectiveness of our campaigns.