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Time to Deliver Petition

Poorer communities are paying for the devastating impacts of the climate crisis they did not cause. Sign our petition calling on the UK government to use its COP presidency to influence other wealthy nations to deliver climate finance to frontline communities.

Dear Prime Minister

It's time to deliver on climate finance. We’re calling on you to use the UK’s remaining COP presidency to ensure promises made back in 2009 are fulfilled. The Glasgow climate talks last year failed to deliver on climate finance – as the financial burden on the poorest countries continues to grow.

This year wealthy countries must finally deliver the $100 billion a year, plus shortfalls for missed years. Half must go to help communities adapt, and there must be finance for loss and damage already suffered by these communities. When finance reaches the communities bearing the brunt of the crisis, it will equip millions of people living in poverty to build the future they want.

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