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Tearfund is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards of integrity, accountability and openness as an organisation.

 Tearfund staff across the world – along with staff of the partner organisations who help us to fulfil this work – are obliged to conduct themselves in keeping with these high standards.

As Christians, we believe that every human has immeasurable value and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

Whether you are a member of staff (at Tearfund or a partner organisation), a beneficiary, or a member of the public, the following guidance will help you report any concerns you may have about the behaviour of Tearfund staff or representatives.


Full policy available as a PDF here

Tearfund is committed to promoting the security and wellbeing of beneficiaries, volunteers and staff. In particular we are also committed to the safety, security and dignity of children, along with adults who are vulnerable and/or at risk.

Staff and representatives must ensure that their behaviour promotes and allows children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk to live free from:

  • harm and abuse - including physical, sexual (including sexual harassment) and emotional (including the abuse of power/trust and any form of coercion)
  • physical and sexual exploitation
  • neglect 
  • discrimination 
  • human trafficking

Tearfund staff and representatives are required to understand the importance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk by:

  • upholding the dignity and respect of children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk 
  • taking preventative steps to ensure a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults/adults at risk
  • responding quickly and appropriately to concerns raised

Any allegation or concern regarding the abuse of a child or a vulnerable adult/adult at risk must be treated seriously and be reported within 24 hours of having been made aware of the issue/concern. A concern can arise when abusive behaviour is observed or suspected, when an allegation is made or disclosed, or where there are indicators (signs and symptoms) of suspected abuse on the victim.

There are two ways to report a concern:

  • Email directly to [email protected]
  • Use our 24/7 Safecall service – both telephone and email – details can be found below. Please use the relevant local Safecall telephone number if you are concerned that the alleged victim is in imminent danger.

All calls and emails to Safecall are treated in complete confidence by an independent team, who will not disclose your name to Tearfund without your explicit permission. If you telephone, and wish to remain anonymous, Safecall will make follow up arrangements with you.

All concerns raised or reported with Safecall will be shared with Tearfund at a senior executive level, and will be investigated thoroughly. Action will be taken in line with our policies.


Full policy available as a PDF here

When someone discovers information which they believe shows serious malpractice, unacceptable behaviours, practices or wrongdoing by Tearfund staff and representatives – including staff working for our partners, it is essential that the individual is able to report concerns internally without fear of reprisal, and independent of immediate line management.

Examples of wrongdoing covered by whistleblowing include:

  • Criminal offence e.g. fraud, theft, bribery
  • The breach of a legal obligation e.g. failure to have the right insurance
  • A miscarriage of justice
  • A danger to the health and safety of any individual
  • Damage to the environment
  • The deliberate concealment of information tending to show any of the above five matters

If you have any concerns or allegations about the conduct of a Tearfund staff member or representative, including partner staff, please contact our whistleblowing channel where all comments will be dealt with in confidence. Issues will be investigated and action taken in line with Tearfund’s policies.


Phone: +44 (0)20 3906 3746
Email: [email protected]

If the concern is about a member of the Board or the Executive Team, then the following email address must be used: [email protected]

Other concerns

We would also like to hear from you if you:

  • have broader questions or concerns about Tearfund’s work or ethos
  • are unhappy about an interaction you have had with anyone from, or connected to, Tearfund (apart from issues of Safeguarding or Whistleblowing, which are covered above)

In these instances we are still keen to hear from you. Please use the process outlined in our Supporter Charter in the section Making a Complaint. We want you to tell us where we could be falling short of the high standards we have set for ourselves.

Safecall logo

Safecall logo


These existing channels for reporting concerns will now be supplemented by the introduction of an independent whistleblowing service by telephone and email, for use when circumstances necessitate a different approach to reporting. This is in partnership with Safecall, an independent external reporting line, who provide an alternative professional and confidential means of reporting your concerns. All calls are treated in complete confidence by independent staff who will not disclose your name to Tearfund, with your express permission. If you phone and wish to remain anonymous Safecall will make follow-up arrangements with you.

Contacting Safecall

Please find Safecall's contact information in the drop-down boxes below. Please note there are different contact numbers depending on where you are phoning from. Please use the local number for you.

Safecall contact information

  • Safecall Phone: 0800 915 1571 - UK calls only. Staff calling from overseas will find the relevant local Safecall number in the below section.

    Safecall Website:

    Safecall Email: [email protected]

    Safecall Phone: 0800 915 1571 - UK calls only. Staff calling from overseas will find the relevant local Safecall number in the below section.

    Safecall Website:

    Safecall Email: [email protected]

  • Afghanistan +44 191 516 7756

    Angola +44 191 516 7764

    Bangladesh +44 191 516 7756

    Bolivia +44 191 516 7769

    Brazil 0800 892 1750

    Burkina Faso +44 191 516 7764

    Burundi +44 191 516 7764

    Canada 1877 59 98073

    Cambodia 1800 209 761

    Central African Rep +44 191 516 7764

    Chad +44 191 516 7764

    Colombia 01800 9448040

    Côte D’Ivoire +44 191 516 7764

    Democratic Rep of Congo +44 191 516 7764

    Egypt 0800 000 0059

    Ethiopia +44 191 516 7764

    Guatemala +44 191 516 7769

    Haití +44 191 516 7768

    Netherlands 00 800 72332255

    Honduras +44 191 516 7769

    India 000 800 4401256

    Iraq +44 191 516 7756

    Jordan +44 191 516 7756

    Kenya +44 191 516 7764

    Laos +44 191 516 7754

    Lebanon +44 191 516 7756

    Liberia +44 191 516 7764

    Malawi +44 191 516 7764

    Mali +44 191 516 7764

    Mozambique +44 191 516 7764

    Myanmar +44 191 516 7761

    Nepal +44 191 516 7761

    Nicaragua +44 191 516 7769

    Niger +44 191 516 7764

    Nigeria +44 191 516 7764

    Pakistan 00800 900 44036

    Peru 0800 77601

    Philippines 1800 14410499

    Rwanda +44 191 516 7764

    Sierra Leone +44 191 516 7764

    Somalia +44 191 516 7764

    South Sudan +44 191 516 7764

    Sudan +44 191 516 7764

    Syria +44 191 516 7756

    Tanzania +44 191 516 7764

    Thailand 001 800 72332255

    Uganda +44 191 516 7764

    UK 0800 9151571

    Yemen +44 191 516 7764

    Zambia +44 191 516 7764

    Zimbabwe +44 191 516 7764

    Afghanistan +44 191 516 7756

    Angola +44 191 516 7764

    Bangladesh +44 191 516 7756

    Bolivia +44 191 516 7769

    Brazil 0800 892 1750

    Burkina Faso +44 191 516 7764

    Burundi +44 191 516 7764

    Canada 1877 59 98073

    Cambodia 1800 209 761

    Central African Rep +44 191 516 7764

    Chad +44 191 516 7764

    Colombia 01800 9448040

    Côte D’Ivoire +44 191 516 7764

    Democratic Rep of Congo +44 191 516 7764

    Egypt 0800 000 0059

    Ethiopia +44 191 516 7764

    Guatemala +44 191 516 7769

    Haití +44 191 516 7768

    Netherlands 00 800 72332255

    Honduras +44 191 516 7769

    India 000 800 4401256

    Iraq +44 191 516 7756

    Jordan +44 191 516 7756

    Kenya +44 191 516 7764

    Laos +44 191 516 7754

    Lebanon +44 191 516 7756

    Liberia +44 191 516 7764

    Malawi +44 191 516 7764

    Mali +44 191 516 7764

    Mozambique +44 191 516 7764

    Myanmar +44 191 516 7761

    Nepal +44 191 516 7761

    Nicaragua +44 191 516 7769

    Niger +44 191 516 7764

    Nigeria +44 191 516 7764

    Pakistan 00800 900 44036

    Peru 0800 77601

    Philippines 1800 14410499

    Rwanda +44 191 516 7764

    Sierra Leone +44 191 516 7764

    Somalia +44 191 516 7764

    South Sudan +44 191 516 7764

    Sudan +44 191 516 7764

    Syria +44 191 516 7756

    Tanzania +44 191 516 7764

    Thailand 001 800 72332255

    Uganda +44 191 516 7764

    UK 0800 9151571

    Yemen +44 191 516 7764

    Zambia +44 191 516 7764

    Zimbabwe +44 191 516 7764

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