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Evaluating our effectiveness

We want to see a world restored to how God intended by empowering people to lift themselves out of poverty. We want to equip Christians and churches to take action so that all people can fulfil their God-given potential and live life to the full.

In more than 50 years, we’ve helped vast numbers of communities to be transformed. Between 2006 and 2016, we calculated that Tearfund reached 32 million people through our community development projects, and 13 million people benefitted from our disaster response work.

We’ve supported people on the brink of disaster to become resilient to shocks, self-sufficient and empowered, boldly speaking up for their rights. We know our approach works. We want to take it to the next level and we invite you to join us.

Last year...

  • 1.6 million people reached through our emergency response
  • 1.3 million people reached through community development work
  • 23,300 local churches mobilised

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