Poverty is not God’s plan. You are.
Thousands of people needlessly suffer and die every day because of poverty. But that’s not God’s plan for the world. We believe that we can all play a part in ending extreme poverty and injustice by reaching out to people in need.
For more than 50 years, Tearfund has partnered with local churches and organisations around the world, equipping people to lift themselves out of poverty and fulfil their God-given potential.
Our mission
Our mission is to follow Jesus where the need is greatest, responding to crises and partnering with local churches and organisations to help people lift themselves out of poverty.
Our vision
Our vision is to see people freed from poverty, living transformed lives, and fulfilling their God-given potential.
As we pursue this vision, we have four main focuses:
Meeting emergency needs
We respond quickly to meet immediate needs when crises and disasters hit vulnerable communities. -
Mobilising churches
We envision, empower and equip churches to play their part in the development and transformation of their communities. -
Transforming communities
We support communities to become resilient to shocks and stresses and work towards a better future for themselves and others. -
Changing society
We seek to Influence and change social, political, and economic systems and policies so that the poorest communities can get the services and opportunities they need to thrive.
Our values
As Christians, we follow Jesus’ example. We seek to be Christ-centred, compassionate, courageous, truthful and servant-hearted in everything we do.