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Safeguarding Declaration

Tearfund is committed to promoting the security and well being of the communities we serve, volunteers and staff, and ensuring that children and adults at risk are protected from all forms of harm and abuse, and able to live a life with dignity, respect and security. Tearfund will proactively encourage a culture of ‘Zero tolerance’ towards all forms of harm and abuse, and seek to ensure that staff and representatives ‘Do no harm’ while working for or with Tearfund. We are committed to taking a survivor centred approach.

You are required to read Tearfund’s Safeguarding Policy prior to completing this Safeguarding Declaration. The policy can be found here.

In completing this Safeguarding Declaration you are indicating your agreement with, and compliance to, this policy statement and Tearfund’s Safeguarding Policy. You are declaring that the information provided by you is true and accurate.

My details

My address

This only needs to be filled in if receiving by post

My relationship with Tearfund

Which best describes your relationship with Tearfund?

Details of Tearfund contact

If a Tearfund staff member asked you to complete the declaration please add their details below:

My privacy

We promise never to pass your details on to another organisation for marketing purposes. We will store your personal data securely and use this information to communicate with you in the ways you have chosen.

If you want to find out more, take a look at our full privacy policy

You can change how we communicate with you at any time by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 3906 3906


You are signing the Safeguarding Declaration, indicating your agreement with, and compliance to, this policy statement and Tearfund’s Safeguarding Policy. You are declaring that the information provided by you is true and accurate.