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Give to the Asia Crisis Response Fund

Your money will help local churches and organisations respond in the critical first 72 hours after a disaster to save countless lives in eight countries across Asia. Help those in need prepare for disaster this year, give to the Asia Crisis Response Fund.

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Donation summary

Please note the amount you pay will be in British Pounds. The amount you are charged may differ due to varying exchange rates.

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Add a tribute to your loved one (Optional)

Along with your gift, you can leave a tribute to your loved one, which will appear on our memory garden page

What flower would you like?

This can be up to a maximum of 200 words long

This will appear immediately under your tribute message. If you’d rather the tribute was anonymous, please leave this blank

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Please complete if you’re happy for our lovely team to call you occasionally about how your support is changing the world. For international numbers include the country code.

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This only needs to be filled in if receiving by post

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We promise never to pass your details on to another organisation for marketing purposes. We will store your personal data securely and use this information to communicate with you in the ways you have chosen.

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You can change how we communicate with you at any time by emailing [email protected] or calling +44 (0) 20 3906 3906


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