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Where is Mali?

Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa

Our impact


Mali is a landlocked country, with almost half of the population living in extreme poverty. Approximately 60 per cent of the population live in rural areas, and most people work in agriculture. Climate change has resulted in significant challenges and made it harder to grow crops.

Since the military coup of 2012 and the occupation of the northern part of the country by armed groups, Mali has been experiencing political instability and conflict. Terrorist attacks and armed conflict have become more common across the country. This situation has prevented many farmers from farming during the rainy season, worsening a food crisis that is already impacting the lives of over 2 million people.

Our work in Mali

Tearfund has been working in Mali for more than two decades, focusing on bringing about holistic transformation in communities where the need is greatest. Our vision for the country is to release hundreds of people from poverty through a strong and effective network of local churches.

Church and Community Transformation

We are promoting a process called Church and Community Transformation (CCT) with 400 churches across Mali. The churches learn how to lead development projects in their communities – bringing benefits such as business training and clean water and adequate sanitation, and helping communities to lift themselves out of poverty.

Environmental and Economic Sustainability

Over 10,000 people have benefited from projects aiming to promote a sustainable economy and environment.

In terms of environmental sustainability, over 8,947 trees have been planted and 300 households have received bins to enable them to safely dispose of or recycle their waste. Two waste management centres have been built to improve waste management and protect the environment.

Overall, our efforts for sustainable agriculture have seen more than 360 households start using organic rather than chemical fertilisers, which can improve harvests as well as protect the environment.


We have actively raised awareness of the need for people to live together in the land peacefully with 196 community leaders, and 95 community and religious leaders have been trained to use the Do Not Harm tool. This involves making peace with oneself, then with close contacts, and then with the wider community. This tool has proven effective in preventing conflicts and promoting reconciliation.

Ending sexual and gender-based violence

The fight against sexual and gender-based violence has been central in our work. Our local partners have been providing trauma counselling and access to healthcare for women and girls who have experienced female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C). We are also equipping churches to educate their communities and help them find ways to prevent further FGM/C.

Emergency response

We are quick to respond when disasters strike, providing emergency food packages, cash assistance and essential supplies. For example, 200 displaced families received assistance after floods forced them from their homes, and over 5,000 households received help as part of our coronavirus response work.

Street vendors selling fresh fruit in Mali

Partnerships and funding

Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA)

The Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) is funded by the Dutch Ministry or Foreign Affairs. The project is working across seven countries, including Mali. Its aim is to strengthen civil society organisations and work with religious leaders to promote Freedom of Religion and Belief (FORB) for inclusive, peaceful and sustainable societies.

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