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Where is Mozambique?

Mozambique is a country on the southeastern coast of Africa

Our impact


The main challenges currently facing Mozambique include terrorist attacks, extreme weather events such as flooding and cyclones (which are becoming increasingly frequent due to climate change), and struggles to access or produce enough food. These factors, alongside a leadership system which has historically misused public funds, are contributing to Mozambique’s ongoing poverty.

Women are especially vulnerable due to religious beliefs and cultural practices which often deny them access to education and force them into marriages at a young age.

A community member receives a voucher for food during an aid distribution following Cyclone Idai in Mozambique

Our work in Mozambique

Tearfund is working with local partner organisations in Mozambique to help communities develop sustainable sources of food and income, using a process known as Church and Community Transformation (CCT), focusing on the following areas:

Sustainable income

We are enabling churches to promote new and more sustainable ways for people to earn a living within their communities. This, in turn, can lead to improved health, regular access to food and clean water, and a better community response to issues such as HIV, gender equality and child protection.

Peacebuilding and conflict resolution

We are building the capacity of five Tearfund partners, ten church networks and a total of 1,500 churches to promote peace and conflict resolution. This is set to benefit 2 million people.

Disaster risk reduction

We are working with local churches and communities in disaster-prone regions, helping them reduce the risk and impact of disasters such as typhoons, flooding and drought. This will benefit more than 200,000 people.

Children play a football game at sunset in a flood resettlement community

Please pray for Mozambique

    • Pray for peace across Mozambique, that the armed conflicts and terrorist attacks will end.
    • Remember those living in flood-prone areas, ask that they will be protected and able to recover quickly when disaster strikes.
    • Pray that God will raise up good leaders in local and national government, who will promote justice for all.

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