In the first four films, prominent church leaders from Scotland remind us that our hope is in a God whose majesty is written across creation. We need to be reconciled to him and to others, revitalised in our faith, and continually renewed and bearing fruit. And, as part of this restoration plan, we need to care for his good earth.
The fifth bonus film is of US New Testament theologian Professor Doug Moo speaking about creation care to an audience at a Tearfund Scotland event in Edinburgh in late 2023.
If you’re watching this film series with a group, you will find discussion questions at the end of each film.
1. Creation in the psalms
Psalms 8, 19 and 24Dr Jamie A Grant, Vice Principal (Academic), PhD coordinator and lecturer specialising in biblical studies, Highland Theological College
Jamie considers what these three psalms have to say about God, and our relationship with him and with creation. God is Lord over all the earth and his reign is good, so our actions as his people should reflect his goodness. Psalm 8 tells us how the created order speaks of God’s character, his majesty and the vastness of creation, while Psalm 19 tells us about the beauty of creation and its missional impact in reflecting God’s glory. Psalm 24 is a profound reminder that our care for the environment is inextricably linked with our care for people.