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Fundraising ideas to create your own fundraiser for Tearfund.

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Be a fundraising hero

There’s nothing normal about the new normal. Things have changed, but we’ve shown we are stronger as a community by coming together to overcome whatever we face.

We’re all having to adapt and use our initiative right now. Some traditional fundraising methods are no longer possible. But that hasn't stopped our supporters from fundraising. Far from it. We’ve been amazed by how people have stepped up and risen to the challenge. And we want to invite you to think differently in this new landscape.

We’ll send you everything you need to help get you started and fired up with ideas.

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Join Team Tearfund

Join our amazing Tearfund team made up of inspirational people coming together to make a difference. And we’ll support you every step of the way. What are you going to do?

Success stories

Young Ezra and Mara have been raising money by selling cards and key rings in their front garden. These enterprising kids didn’t stop for lockdown – they raised more than £300.

Amy ran 100k over a month around her neighbourhood. ‘Tough challenge but I know you’ll smash it,’ wrote one supporter – and she did! Amy raised more than £750.

Meanwhile, the Everett family certainly did rise to our Climb challenge by ascending the height of Everest by repeatedly climbing the stairs at home, raising £1,330.

Head to the hills, the local park or stay near the comfort of home. You can decide where to fundraise and choose a challenge that’s right for you. This is your opportunity to make a difference, like Ezra, Mara, Amy and the Everetts.

We’ll send you everything you need to help get you started and fired up with ideas.

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Now is the time to help end poverty

The full impact of coronavirus on poor communities is still unknown. But by raising money, you will help us to spread the message of good hygiene practices and hand washing as you support our life-saving work across the world.

Every £120 you raise will help Tearfund respond where the need is greatest across the world. This includes our response to coronavirus: promoting good hygiene practices, providing food for families in quarantine and building hand washing stations.

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