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Harvest Appeal

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From barely surviving to a place of abundance: Kester’s story

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My name is Kester Munzara. I am 56 years old. What I like doing in my community is farming, going to church, getting along with others and doing different types of work with my hands. I live with my son, his wife and my grandson, as well as with my niece, who goes to school. I am the one who takes care of the family. Before I met the people from ZOE [Tearfund’s local partner], I lived a painful and pitiful life. I was poor and I had nowhere to start. I used to look for jobs on other people’s farms in order to survive. We did not have enough food for the family. It would hurt when I couldn’t provide for my children, and I would pray day and night. It was painful. A lot has changed since I began working with ZOE. We were taught about self-help groups. In those self-help groups, we were taught to start income-generating projects. We agreed that when a member gets money we write down what project they want to do so that we help each other, to see that they have accomplished their goals, so that we rise together. It also shows the community that what you’re doing is bringing change. I am now able to earn money in order to survive and do what I want, have enough to eat, and help others with knowledge. My projects made me have a better relationship with God. It made me have a good relationship with God, and even my prayer life improved. In my work, I always remind myself that, with God, everything is possible. Will you support a harvest that lasts for families like Kester’s around the world? Today your gift of £38 could set up two self-help groups like Kester’s, where people gather regularly to support each other, train and save together.


Will you help support a lasting harvest for families like Kester’s around the world?

Kester turned her life around with the support of our partner in Zimbabwe.

With your support, Tearfund can partner with local churches and bring lasting transformation to people once trapped in extreme poverty, like Kester, pictured.

We need your help today to reach even more people around the world.

A gift of £38 could set up two self-help groups like Kester’s, where people support each other, train and save together.

Please donate

‘It would hurt when I couldn’t provide for my children and I would pray day and night.’

Kester faced an impossible situation. She was single-handedly supporting her son and his family when her own health began to suffer. She had struggled for years to keep her children in school, and then her grandchildren and niece.

‘I used to look for jobs in other people’s farms to survive,’ she says. ‘I would take whatever I got, because I had children to take care of. I was overworking myself.’ Across Zimbabwe, the extremes of climate change and challenging economic factors have pushed families like Kester’s deep into poverty.

At her local church, Kester heard about Zimbabwe Orphans Through Extended Hands (ZOE)

Tearfund’s Christian partner in Zimbabwe, ZOE mobilises local churches to meet their communities’ needs, such as setting up self-help groups like the one Kester joined.

Today, Kester is delighted to report, ‘My life has changed.’ To such a degree, she’s now helping others! ‘To those who haven’t succeeded yet, I remind them of my previous life, then show them the current, and encourage them that they can also make it.’

Harvest Appeal

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