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Count your plastic for one week – 11-17 March 2024

For one week in March, thousands of people: schools, households, churches, community groups and businesses will be coming together to count their plastic waste. And we would love for you to join us.

Almost a quarter of a million people took part in The Big Plastic Count in 2022. Together we revealed that almost two billion pieces of plastic packaging are being thrown away every week in the UK. This year you can help us to build even more evidence and use it to call for bold action at the plastics treaty talks.

Sign up for the Big Plastic Count today

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How it works:

Once you register, the team at Big Plastic Count will send you a free digital or postal pack with everything you need to take part.

During the week (11-17 March 2024), use your tally sheet to count (almost*) every single piece of plastic packaging that you throw away - that’s plastic waste that you put in the bin or into recycling. Try to count anything you throw away while out and about too. You will be able to use the helpful ‘plastic ID tool’ to work out what category each item goes into.

This is about counting our everyday usage. Plastic is all around us, impossible to avoid. That’s why we need to count together - to show world leaders and big businesses that we care and want alternatives to be much easier to find. Your evidence will be the much-needed pressure calling for ambitious action at the global treaty talks, and help make a future that’s free of all this plastic waste.

Sign up for the Big Plastic Count today.
‘The Big Plastic Count is a great opportunity for thousands of us in the UK to come together and show we want this plastics crisis solved. It's a powerful reminder to the Government that people across the UK and worldwide are getting on with tackling plastic pollution. We need global politicians ensuring we get a strong Global Plastics Treaty agreed upon this year.’
Rich Gower, Senior Economist at Tearfund
We won’t be counting plastic items that are used for medical or sanitary reasons as these are vital for the people who need them. That includes plasters, medication packets, period products, plastic cutlery… For all the info, follow the sign up link and you’ll receive your own copy of the plastic ID tool.

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