Whether you loved learning about pythagoras theorem and the works of Shakespeare or couldn’t wait to leave the classroom, an education is a powerful thing. To celebrate International Day of Education (24 January), David Temfwe, director of Tearfund partner the Jubilee Centre, shares how access to schooling is bringing hope and change in local communities.
‘In Zambia there is a deep lack of innovative thinkers because people are primarily concerned with day to day survival,’ explains David.
‘Many families are illiterate and agriculture is the livelihood of nearly 90 per cent of the population. Often parents are more concerned with their children helping on the family farms than gaining an education. For rural populations there is a lot that needs to take place to help them truly appreciate the value of a good education.
‘It is very difficult to do anything meaningful in Zambia without a formal education. Most trade is conducted in English, however there are over 70 local languages. So, for an illiterate person, life can be very difficult.
‘Simple day-to-day things like opening a bank account, interacting with people in government offices, reading terms and conditions of various documents or even reading the Bible are enormous task to people who aren’t educated.’