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Isaac Lou’s story: rebuilding strong

Isaac’s story of rebuilding his family’s home and starting a sustainable future with the help of Tearfund training.

Written by Rosemary Wilfred | 15 Feb 2024

Isaac stands next to a palm tree, smiling broadly. He wears a brightly coloured shirt.

Isaac Lou in Kajo Keji received training from Tearfund. He says, ‘Sometimes you just need somebody to remind you of who you are and your potential to transform your family with the available resources.

Isaac smiles. ‘Sometimes you just need somebody to remind you of who you are and your potential to transform your family with the available resources,’ he tells us, ‘because most times, we are blinded by our suffering and unable to value God’s wonderful gift for us, and that was exactly what CCT envisioning* did for me, it was a great awakening!’

Isaac Lou is 38. He lives in Kajo Keji County, South Sudan, with his wife and four children. Two years ago, he returned from a refugee camp in Uganda where he and his family had sought shelter after their home was destroyed during the 2016 civil war. He came back to rebuild their house and soon after that his wife and children were able to return home too.

Isaac says the first few months of being back were tough as they didn’t have enough food and they lacked other essential things. To ensure his family’s daily meals, Isaac took various odd jobs – such as working on farms and at construction sites. Little did he know then that he would be able to utilise the vast land his family owned to transform and improve their lives.

‘One thing CCT [Tearfund’s Transforming Communities training] has done for me, is to make me think differently and look at my surroundings more objectively. It has helped me to realise that the solutions to my problems have always been around me and within my reach,’ Isaac says.

Tearfund’s Transforming Communities approach (also known as CCT) is to envision and equip the church in practical ways to work with the local community, identifying needs and mobilising resources to bring about restoration and transformation, holistically and sustainably using locally available resources.

‘One thing CCT [Tearfund’s Transforming Communities training] has done for me, is to make me think differently and look at my surroundings more objectively. It has helped me to realise that the solutions to my problems have always been around me and within my reach.’
Isaac Lou, Kajo Keji, South Sudan

Moment of Awakening

In mid-2022, a team from Tearfund travelled to Kajo Keji County to conduct community envisioning workshops. Isaac Lou was selected to be one of the participants for the training sessions. He says that was the day he began to value his land and think of ways to utilise it to transform his family's situation meaningfully.

‘At the start of the rainy season, I cultivated my family land and planted a variety of food crops such as maize, cassava, groundnuts and cowpeas, as well as fruit trees such as bananas, oranges, jackfruits and pineapples,’ he tells us.

Isaac also acquired goats and rabbits and started rearing them on his homestead. Now, he manages to sell the extra food that his land produces every month to buy the things his family needs and to pay school fees for his four children who are between 5 and 13 years old.

During the recent dry season, Isaac also used the clay soil on his land to make more than ten thousand bricks. He sold some of these and was able to buy cement and other construction materials to build a two-bedroom permanent house for his family.

Isaac says that, after the transformation he has experienced, he hopes Tearfund will continue to provide training to more people – especially to those struggling to rebuild their lives after returning from having fled the conflict.

Isaac is thankful to Tearfund and all its supporters for enabling the Transforming Communities (CCT) programme to be extended to Kajo Keji County.

Isaac takes his seven goats to feed in a field

Isaac looks after the goats he is rearing on his land. He now also grows a variety of crops to provide for his family

*Tearfund's Theory of Change

Tearfund believes that poverty is not God’s plan, it is caused by broken relationships and human behaviour, and through the Transforming Communities approach (also called CCT), communities are empowered to understand their realities, identify and use locally available resources without external support, and restore broken relationships in a lasting manner.

In South Sudan, Tearfund is currently conducting envisioning sessions in Juba and Kajo Keji in Central Equatoria, Aweil in Northern Barhel Gazel, and Mundri in Western Equatoria States.

Pray for South Sudan

    • Lift up the people of South Sudan. Pray for resilience for those who have faced long periods of difficult circumstances – through conflict and financial hardships.
    • Pray for people who have been displaced from their homes and ask God to help them as they rebuild their lives. Pray for his strength and provision for them.
    • Pray for local churches – that they will be salt and light in their communities and that they will actively help people to find practical solutions to transform their lives and to be released from poverty.

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Written by  Rosemary Wilfred

Media and Communications Manager, South Sudan Team

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