- Action Entraide
- African Evangelistic Enterprise
- Assemblies of God Care
- Association of Christian Resource Organisations Serving Sudan (ACROSS)
- Christian Aid Burundi
- Christian Aid Program
- Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh
- Christian Relief Development Organisation
- Coalition for Humanity
- Congo Initiative
- Diocese of Rumonge
- Effective Live Vision
- Ethiopia Kale Hewot Church Development
- Ethiopian Guenet Church
- Ethiopian Orthodox Church - DICAC
- Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM)
- Family AIDS Caring Trust
- Fraternité Evangelique du Christ en Afrique au Burundi
- Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East
- Help Channel Burundi
- Inceputul Vietii
- International Assistance Mission
- International Nepal Fellowship
- Jeunesse en Mission - Mali
- John Dau Foundation
- l’Office de Développement des Eglises Evangéliques
- LAMB Hospital
- Lead Against Marginality and Poverty
- Medair Syria
- Mekong Minority Foundation
- Pakistan Mission Society
- Partner in Afghanistan*
- Partner 1 in Iraq*
- Partner 2 in Iraq*
- Partner in Lebanon*
- Partner 1 in Yemen*
- Partner 2 in Yemen*
- Philippine Relief and Development Services (PHILRADS)
- Rural Education and Economic Development Society
- Scripture Union West Africa (SUWA)
- Seefar Foundation
- Society for Safe Environment and Welfare of Agrarians in Pakistan
- St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee
- Synod of Livingstonia Development
- Tearfund Netherlands
- The Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief
- Wolaita Kale Heywet Church
- Yola Renewal Foundation
*Partner organisations cannot be named for security reasons.