Thank you for praying with us for the climate crisis, justice and restoration for those living in poverty.
Your prayers matter
When the climate emergency seems overwhelming, we can come to a God of justice and peace who holds our world in his hands. He shares our pain at the destruction of his creation. He grieves at the injustice of those who are least responsible for climate change suffering its worst consequences.
Not only that, but God hears our prayers when we cry out to him for our world. God wants us to partner with him as he renews his creation, bringing restoration and justice to the world around us.
Here’s how you can join in with praying for this renewal:
- Pray that each of us would be open to the ways God asks us to take action. May we be part of the change that is required to tackle climate change and protect those most affected by it.
- Pray for Tearfund’s work with churches and communities around the world to advocate for local change.
- Pray for the many movements, partners and allies we work with as they continue to advocate and work for a fairer world. Pray for strength, boldness and clear vision.
- Pray for world leaders that they would make decisions to protect our planet and ensure a flourishing future for all. May they take every opportunity to fight for the ambitious targets we need around climate change, plastic pollution, and an end to extreme poverty.
- And, finally, please pray that the church globally continues to spread God’s Restorative revolution, transforming wealth, power and communities for a flourishing world.
Other ways to get prayer points in future
If you would like to get Tearfund’s One Voice prayer email, sign up here. And sign up here for Tearfund Action monthly emails, which will include ways to pray and take action.