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Together, let's practise what we pray.

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A women wearing orange is carrying a yellow bucket on her head
A group of children are running on a road alongside fields throwing paper aeroplanes

Turning faith into transformation

Around the world, conflict is rife, climate change is forcing millions from their homes, and one in ten people are still living in extreme poverty. This is not God’s plan.

It’s time for us – the global church – to practise what we pray. With your support, Tearfund’s Church and Community Transformation training can help communities use their resources and skills to lift themselves out of poverty and fulfil their God-given potential.

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See how communities in Burundi are transforming their lives and lifting themselves out of poverty with the help of training from Tearfund.

A rural church, surrounded by fields is in the distance as people walk towards it

Why work through the local church?

Poverty is not God’s plan. But we believe the church has a key role to play in ending extreme poverty and injustice. For more than 50 years, Tearfund has seen how local churches can bring effective and lasting transformation to whole communities.

Churches are often best placed to respond to disasters, they understand the needs and strengths of their communities, and are able to reach some of the most vulnerable groups. And they can continue to support their communities for years to come.

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Pastor Ngendahimana’s story

‘This transformation is an answer to our prayers, it is the result of the training we had with Tearfund.’
Pastor Ngendahimana Sarthiel, Burundi
A church leader, wearing a blue shirt, is smiling towards the camera

Pastor Ngendahimana from Burundi has seen first hand how Church and Community Transformation training can transform whole communities.

Tearfund’s Church and Community Transformation training helped families in Pastor Ngendahimana’s parish see how they could work together to make changes to transform their community.

Most families were relying on growing their own crops for food and income but struggling to meet their basic needs. People had to walk for miles to find clean water and the nearest medical centre was over three hours away.

‘We were able to look at our community and the way we live with new eyes, we could see the main challenges and what we needed to focus on,’ says Pastor Ngendahimana.

Together, the community decided to build a health centre and install pipes to bring clean water to the neighbourhood. People also started small businesses and found new and sustainable ways to make money.

‘Community transformation is visible, people have been doing individual projects to transform their lives,’ says Pastor Ngendahimana.

For communities still living in poverty, life-changing training is just your donation away.

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A young woman, wearing orange clothes, smiles at the camera

How your gift will make a difference

When communities are empowered to fulfil their God-given potential, everything changes.

Faith without action is dead – now is the time to practise what you pray. Your gift can help Tearfund work with churches in the most vulnerable communities around the world, providing the tools they need to reach their goals.

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Poverty is not God's plan. You are.

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