The importance of a will
Having a will gives you peace of mind for the future. It gives you the opportunity to provide for your family and loved ones, and to support the causes you care about. As personal circumstances change, it is important that you review your will to make sure it still accurately reflects your wishes. For example, if your financial situation has changed, or if you have children or grandchildren.
Getting started
Writing a will doesn’t have to be difficult – here are some details to help you get started. If you would like to receive this information in the post, as well as details of how leaving a legacy gift to Tearfund will make a difference, you can request our free legacy pack here.
There are three main types of gifts that you can leave in your will:
- Residuary legacy: a share or percentage of your estate after other specific gifts and expenses have been made.
- Pecuniary legacy: a specific sum of money, which you can ask your solicitor to index-link. This means that the number will then increase with inflation and cost of living changes, so that it remains an accurate representation of what you would like to give.
- Specific legacy: a particular item such as a property, shares or jewellery.
Once you have ensured that your loved ones have been cared for, you might choose to include a gift to Tearfund in your will, which is really easy to do.
We are so grateful to each person who chooses to include a gift in their will to Tearfund. A gift in your will could be the gift of life where the need is greatest, equipping communities to lift themselves out of poverty and reach their God-given potential.
We suggest the following wording for a pecuniary or specific legacy:
I GIVE to Tearfund, Reg. Charity no: 265464 of 100 Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8QE the sum of £_/specific asset or item for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of Tearfund for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy.
We suggest the following wording for a residuary legacy:
I GIVE _% of the residue of my estate to Tearfund, Reg. Charity no: 265464 of 100 Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8QE, for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of Tearfund for the time being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge for the said legacy.