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When perseverance pays off

Gloria was determined to help her community access clean water. She kept courageously speaking up until her requests were answered.

Written by Agnes McGrane | 04 Mar 2021

Every day, Gloria* has to walk for miles to collect safe drinking water for her family. Hundreds of people from her small village in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have to do the same.

‘Water is the number-one problem in my community,’ says Gloria. ‘The distance to the closest water source is 45 minutes for an able man, or more likely an hour for the women and children. It is often the women and children who collect the water.’

For years Gloria has been representing her village as the president of her village development committee. She has repeatedly asked local authorities to help the village get access to clean and safe water. However, Gloria’s requests went unanswered – until now.

A joyful day

Tearfund has been working in the DRC to provide clean water for communities. We responded to Gloria’s request, and installed a borehole, which allows people to draw up water from the ground with a solar-powered pump.

Gloria watched as Tearfund staff drilled deep into the ground to find water. Children quickly gathered round, enthralled by the process. When water suddenly shot out of the pipe several metres in the air, the children screamed and jumped with excitement.

Children gather to watch as drilling the borehole begins

It is largely thanks to Gloria’s continued efforts that this happy day has finally arrived. She spoke up for her community, and she refused to give up until she saw breakthrough. Now, she will lead the way in ensuring that the borehole is looked after properly by her community.

A new way of living

Gloria’s community no longer has to walk long distances to collect water. It’s also easy for them to protect themselves from the spread of diseases with this new water source.

‘We have advocated to the local authorities many times to increase our supply of water, but Tearfund is the first one to help us,’ says Gloria. ‘This will be good for our children and future generations.’

Please pray

Dear God,

Thank you for women like Gloria who are courageously speaking up for their communities. Thank you that her village now has access to safe water. We lift up all those who still live far away from a source of clean water, and ask that their needs will soon be met.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


*Name changed to protect identity

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Written by  Agnes McGrane

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