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Prayers for World Humanitarian Day

How to pray for the people and places around the world in need of humanitarian aid and for the people who bring it.

Written by Tearfund | 16 Aug 2024

Rebecca holds her Bible as she worships alongside other women

Rebecca is a staff member for CECADEC, one of Tearfund’s local partners in Chad

Right now, more than 130 million people around the world are in need of humanitarian aid because of disasters or conflict. On 19 August, World Humanitarian Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of the struggles and hardship they face, and also to honour and support the humanitarian workers who often risk their lives to bring some relief.

Some of these crises make it into the news regularly, but there are others that don’t make it to media attention as often. We’d love to take this moment to cover in prayer some of the situations and our staff and partners where we are responding around the world, and also some of the places where work is taking place through the local church to bring long lasting solutions to ongoing situations of extreme poverty.

We’ve asked our local staff for ways to pray for them and their countries and these are their requests:

Pray for Asia

Pray for Bangladesh

Bangladesh has recently been experiencing severe political unrest. There have been mass protests, riots and violence. The Prime Minister resigned and fled the country and there has been chaos across the nation. An interim leader and cabinet have been elected since then. Pray for safety and protection for our in-country staff, local partners and the people we serve. Ask for a swift return to peace and stability for Bangladesh.

Pray for Cambodia

We work with over 400 local churches in Cambodia through our Transforming Communities work. These churches have mobilised to support their communities with savings groups, creation care and many other activities. Ask God for continued success in partnering with the local church in Cambodia and for strong relationship building through our local partner.

Pray for India

India has been experiencing extreme weather conditions over the past few months. They recorded their highest temperature in May and have recently been hit with heavy rains, triggering major flooding and landslides. Pray for the rains to ease and ask for comfort for those who have lost their loved ones.

Pray for Indonesia

Indonesia is the fourth most disaster-prone country in the world. Located on the Pacific Ring of Fire and at the intersection of three major tectonic plates, Indonesia is vulnerable to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. Ask for protection against disasters for the people of Indonesia.

Pray for Myanmar

February next year marks the fourth anniversary of the coup in Myanmar. There has been continued conflict and unrest in the country, with over 2.6 million internally displaced people (IDPs). Pray for volunteers, communities and local churches as they provide shelter, relief and trauma support to those fleeing the crisis in Myanmar and to people who have been displaced from their homes.

Pray for Nepal

Monsoon season in Nepal this year has been deadly, with intense rains triggering landslides and killing many. Pray for protection against disasters and for safety as our local partners assess each situation. Lift up those who have been displaced and pray for continued access to shelter and resources as they rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

Pray for Thailand

Only around one per cent of the population of Thailand identify as Christian and approximately 46 per cent of people live in the rural areas. We work through the local church to support creation care movements outside of the urban areas and also influencing through our Transforming Communities programme. We also work with local partners to support people who have been displaced from neighbouring countries. Ask for continued access to resources for our local churches and partners.

Pray for the Philippines

The Philippines is the world’s most disaster-prone country. Every year the country is hit by typhoons, floods, cyclones, tsunamis and many more calamities. Ask for protection against disasters, particularly for people living in high risk areas in the Philippines. Pray that our local partners will be able to continue supporting communities with Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities to prevent harm to vulnerable people.

Pray for Ukraine/Moldova

Next year will be the third year of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Our local partners and churches continue to serve those who have been displaced. Pray for shelter and access to resources for those who have fled their homes. Lift up the future of the countries, pray that peace will be restored and ask for an end to the conflict.

Pray for East and Central Africa

Pray for our staff, who often work in unstable environments far from their homes and families, especially in the DRC, South Sudan and CAR. Pray for their wellbeing, protection and safety and for comfort and strength as they follow Jesus where the need is greatest.

Pray for Burundi

Burundi has a large percentage of the population living in poverty. Food insecurity, rising inflation, fuel shortage and climate crisis affect the livelihoods of many households. Heavy rains have caused flooding and raised the level of Lake Tanganyika and destroyed homes, infrastructure and farms, and heavily affected the communities located near the lake.

Pray for more funding for our programming in Burundi so we can respond to the needs of those in vulnerable situations. Pray for stability for the country and for more livelihood opportunities.

Pray for Central African Republic (CAR)

Violence, conflicts, population movements and natural disasters continue to put the Central African Republic in need of humanitarian assistance. 2.8 million people (nearly half of the country’s population) need help to access basic needs. Tearfund recently opened a base in Basse Kotto in the Central African Republic. The region is very remote and the access to communities that lack essential services such as food, education, healthcare and clean water can be extremely difficult. Pray for the protection of our staff and the communities we serve. Pray for provision so we can reach those in greatest need.

Pray for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

The attack on our humanitarian convoy on 30 June which killed two of our staff has left us in shock, and we pray for comfort and strength as we continue to serve those in vulnerable situations in the DRC. The Eastern DRC is facing a dire, worsening humanitarian situation with about 7 million people internally displaced and high levels of food insecurity and diseases. We pray for the safety of our teams and for all humanitarians in the different places where they serve. We pray for the security of the communities. We pray for peace and sustainable solutions to end the conflicts in the DRC. We pray for comfort and provision for all those who lost their loved ones and those who had to flee to save their lives.

Pray for Ethiopia

Ethiopia continues to face different crises, conflicts and climate change. After a devastating long drought, heavy rains prompted landslides in late July in South Ethiopia, resulting in the deaths of at least 257 people. Around 21.4 million people currently need humanitarian assistance including 4.5 million internally displaced people. Pray for the end of the political instability in Ethiopia. Pray for peace, unity and reconciliation so Ethiopians can come together to develop their country. Pray for those most affected by climate change and for lasting solutions to manage its effects.

Pray for Rwanda

Climate change affects the safety and livelihoods of many. Rwanda is dependent on rain-fed agriculture and about 70 per cent of the population is involved in farming activities, however heavy rains in different parts of the country affect their production and the economy of the country. Last year rains caused floods that led to landslides which caused the deaths of 131 people and damaged crops and infrastructure. The communities need support to respond and adapt to the effects of climate change. Pray for funding to respond to these needs, pray for stable weather and good food production.

Pray for South Sudan

South Sudan is in crisis. With humanitarian needs expected to reach a record high in 2024, the country is mired in a complex and deepening emergency that has displaced millions of people, destroyed livelihoods, and forced millions to the brink of starvation. An estimated nine million South Sudanese – or about 75 per cent of the population – are projected to need humanitarian assistance in 2024, including 7.1 million people facing acute food insecurity. More than 4.4 million people remain displaced within South Sudan and neighbouring countries due to internal armed conflict and climate shocks. Pray for lasting peace. Pray for sustainable solutions to adapt to and manage climate change consequences. Pray for livelihood opportunities to fight poverty.

Pray for Eurasia and North Africa

Pray for Lebanon

With the ongoing Syrian crisis, Lebanon continues to host the largest number of refugees per capita in the world, providing shelter to over 1.5 million registered Syrians. This protracted crisis has exacerbated social tensions and fueled polarised rhetoric. Pray for a peace-filled society where relationships within and between communities are strengthened, and pray for the significant role our partners are playing in peacebuilding.

Lebanon's ongoing economic, social, and political turmoil has created a humanitarian crisis of immense proportions. Pray for the continued compassion and generosity of Tearfund supporters as we work to alleviate suffering in Lebanon with the churches and local partners.

Nearly 98,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), both within the South and across the country, are relying on humanitarian aid to survive the hardships caused by the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict. Pray for continuous access to humanitarian aid for these IDPs and for peace talks to bring an end to the conflict.

As we observe World Humanitarian Day, pray for a renewed dedication to humanity, the fundamental humanitarian principle of saving lives and responding on a need basis. May we be committed to alleviating suffering and promoting human dignity in Lebanon and globally.

Pray for Syria

The consequences of the twelfth year of conflict in Syria and the catastrophic earthquake continue to devastate lives, with millions displaced and communities struggling to rebuild amidst uncertainty. We pray for peace and stability in the country, for protection over vulnerable families, and for wisdom and resilience for our team and partners as they provide vital support. May God’s love bring healing and hope to those who have endured so much.

Pray for Latin America and the Caribbean

Pray for Brazil

Natural phenomena, due to various vulnerabilities, have resulted in disasters in Brazil. Let us pray for effective collaboration among the community, authorities, and churches to support the affected and grieving families.

Pray for Colombia

Criminal violence and drug-related terrorism have increased in Latin America, causing a humanitarian crisis with displaced people and migrants seeking safer places and countries. In Urabá, Colombia, pastors and churches are providing humanitarian support to thousands of people who have been affected by violence. We pray for the protection of church leadership and the Tearfund team working in the area, influencing the church to be a centre for community transformation.

Pray for Colombia/Panama

Latin America is experiencing the largest exodus in its history. In 2023, more than 600,000 people crossed the harsh jungle of the Darién Gap, the border between Colombia and Panama, in search of better living conditions in the north. Let us pray that God grants wisdom to the leaders of nations to be sensitive to these issues, and strength to the churches to support people on the move and advocate for their rights.

Pray for Venezuela

After the presidential elections on 28 July, uncertainty and instability persist in Venezuela as the population does not recognise the current president's victory and suspects fraud. Let us pray that protests will be peaceful, for technical and objective verification of the results, and a smooth transition to democratic guarantees that do not trigger a new humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.

Pray for Southern and Eastern Africa

Pray for Mozambique 

Mozambique faces a complex humanitarian situation with more than 2.7 million people in a situation of acute food insecurity – that’s almost ten per cent of the total population. More than 600,000 people who had been internally displaced due to attacks by non-state armed groups in Northern Mozambique have returned home and need assistance, while more than 500,000 people in resettlement areas also need humanitarian assistance. The El Nino-induced drought is affecting the southern and central regions of Mozambique, an area with more than 20 million people. Pray for more resilience-building assistance for people affected by armed conflict and El Nino-induced drought in Mozambique. Pray for the safety and resilience of the Tearfund team, partners in Mozambique and the local church as they work to provide support to those with greatest need due to ongoing armed conflict and drought.

Pray for Uganda

Unpredictable weather, crop and livestock pests and diseases, human disease, high food prices and limited food availability mean that Karamoja suffers from high levels of poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition. In Kotido and Kaabong districts, where Tearfund’s local partner, CAFRAHD, operates, low crop yields over the past five years have led to a shortage of food. This has been partly due to prolonged dry seasons and also to the fact that people are afraid of farming fields that are too far away because of the danger of cattle raids.

Many families who would usually provide their own food by farming, now rely on markets. However, often they do not have enough money and there are very few alternative opportunities to make an income. As a result, over 45 per cent of the population in the sub region (about 582,000 people) are facing acute hunger. In most cases, communities survive on wild leaves, wild fruits and the residues of local brew, ebutia. Often, people are forced to eat their seed stocks in order to cope with the situation, further damaging their hopes for an improved crop. Please pray for lasting peace for the Karamoja region so that people are able to freely work hard to transform their lives.

Pray that God grants Karamoja stable rainfall so that people are able to use their energy to grow their crops. This  will reduce cases of hunger and deaths from starvation. Ask God to grant Tearfund, the local church and our local partner the resources  and ability to continue supporting the most vulnerable households in Karamoja.

Pray for Zambia

Zambia is experiencing a humanitarian crisis resulting from climate change. El Nino-induced drought has affected 1 million households in 84 districts out of the 116 districts in the country. The drought has also affected power generation, leading to serious power cuts – a situation that is affecting productivity. Pray that adequate resources will be mobilised to meet humanitarian needs of all those affected. Pray for wisdom among the leaders to enable them come up with innovative ways for affordable alternative sources of energy.

Pray for West Africa

Pray for Benin 

Pray for the churches in Benin, that they may be strengthened in their mission and service. May they be vibrant centres of worship, learning and community support, and may their efforts lead many to a deeper relationship with God. Ask for God’s blessing on the economic and social development of Benin. May there be opportunities for growth, prosperity, and improved quality of life for all, especially for those in underserved and vulnerable communities. Pray for the Transforming Communities programmes due to start in September, that enough facilitators will be available to run the training, and that the churches taking part will be able to see the programme through and reap excellent results.

Pray for Burkina Faso 

Burkina Faso's humanitarian crisis continues to grow at a fast pace, with 6.3 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in 2024. This represents almost a third of the country's population. Approximately one in ten Burkinabè are internally displaced, of which the majority are children. Please pray for Burkina Faso, seeking God's help amid the humanitarian crisis. Pray that those suffering will find comfort and healing. May God grant access to food, water and medical care to families and communities in need. Pray for wisdom for leaders. May God guide those addressing the crisis to do so with clarity and courage. Pray for peace and stability. May God resolve conflicts, and may he bless and protect those providing aid.

Pray for Cameroon

Pray for the ongoing Transforming Communities work being run through churches across two denominations: Anglican Church and Lutheran Fraternal Church of Cameroon. Pray that the work will cause holistic transformation in the lives of individuals and communities. Pray also for the scale up project to the new local churches and the training of the facilitators and trainers.

Pray for Chad 

In Chad, there are three evangelical federations. Tearfund is working to bring all these federations together to impact communities and bring transformation through the church. Pray that all church members may recognise and value the efforts being made to build positive relationships, create an enriching environment for studying God's word, and encourage open sharing of opinions. May our members see the importance of these efforts and actively engage in them.

Pray for Côte d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast

Pray for unity of the church networks and for wisdom and discernment as discussions continue regarding the need for a formal written agreement for Transforming Communities (also known as Church and Community Transformation) projects with trainers and facilitators in Ivory Coast. May the decision be guided by God's will and lead to fruitful outcomes.
Following the Transforming Communities gathering in Abidjan, which was crowned by the signature of an agreement for West African Church leaders, we ask for prayers for an effective engagement with the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Ivory Coast (FEECI).  Pray for continued positive engagement with the youth department of FEECI. May the training and vision presented lead to a fruitful partnership and effective youth development.

Pray for Gambia & Mano River 

Pray for God’s divine wisdom and guidance and for unity among the believers and churches. May the Body of Christ come together in harmony, working as one to fulfil God’s will. Ask God to help overcome divisions and foster a spirit of collaboration and mutual support among all denominations and faith communities. Pray for direction and discernment to choose partners who will work effectively alongside us to further God’s work. Pray that local authorities will support and assist in our efforts to influence positive change.

Lord, we trust in your perfect plan and timing. We seek your wisdom in every decision and your favour in every endeavour. May your guidance lead us to fruitful partnerships and effective support, and may your hand be evident in all that we do. In Jesus' name we pray.

Pray for Ghana 

Thank God for the nation of Ghana. Lift the country up to God and ask for divine intervention and blessings in every area. Pray for lasting peace and harmony across Ghana. May God’s peace prevail over any tensions and divisions, bringing unity and a spirit of cooperation among all people. Ask God for guidance for Ghana’s leaders and decision-makers. Pray that God will grant them wisdom, integrity and a heart for justice as they work to serve their people and address the nation’s needs.

Pray for Guinea Conakry 

[A prayer from David Kamano, former National Executive Secretary for the Alliance of Evangelical Churches and Missions of Guinea]
‘We'd really like the Lord to give us confidence in the work we've started with the Transforming Communities programmes, and of course there are challenges ahead, but may the Lord help us to overcome these challenges. Also, our prayers are that brothers who have already embarked on this work can help us not only with training, but also with guidance and advice, so that arm in arm we can reach the end of the tunnel.’

Pray for Mali

Torrential rains exceeding 100 millimetres on 22 and 26 July in Bla caused severe damage. Initial estimates report 876 households and 9,731 people were affected, including 3,533 women and 3,068 children. The floods damaged 1,930 houses, with 1,587 collapsing. Several buildings, including the Centre de Santé de Référence, Save The Children store, and Centre d'Autonomisation des Femmes de Bla, were affected. Additionally, 1,500 homes, 440 latrines, and 330 wells were destroyed or damaged. The floods also washed away 94 tonnes of grain, 100 tonnes of fertiliser, and 4,000 litres of pesticides and herbicides. Pray for comfort and healing and for relief and recovery for flood-affected families and communities. Pray for the timely provision of essential resources like food, water and medical supplies.

Pray for Niger

Pray for the successful remobilisation of the Transforming facilitator group in Niger, and that the postponed Training of Trainers session in September will be effective in preparing them for their roles.
Pray for a strengthened collaboration in Niger. As we have a newly established contact with AMEEN [local church] leaders in Niger, pray that this process leads to strengthened collaboration and enhanced support for ongoing initiatives.

Pray for Nigeria 

Pray for those affected by the sharp increase in food prices, which have risen by 15.62 percentage points over the past year, from 25.25 per cent in June 2023 to 40.87 per cent in June 2024. Ask for God’s provision and relief for families struggling to afford basic necessities. Pray for wisdom and effective action from policymakers and leaders to address the economic challenges and inflationary pressures. Ask for strategies that will alleviate the burden on the most vulnerable populations, especially in border states where the situation is more severe.

Pray for Senegal 

Pray that the churches in Senegal may be strengthened in their mission, growing in faith and outreach. May they be beacons of hope and love, and may their ministries reach many with the message of Christ. Also pray for increased unity and support within communities across Senegal. May people come together to help one another, address local needs, and work towards common goals with mutual respect and cooperation.

Pray for Togo

Pray for the leaders of churches and ministries in Togo, that they may be empowered with wisdom and strength as they guide their congregations and serve their communities. May their efforts bear fruit and lead to spiritual growth and renewal, pray that the people of Togo may experience a deepening of their faith and a greater hunger for God's Word. May the churches in Togo be vibrant centres of worship, teaching and service. Pray for the Transforming Communities programmes due to start in September, that enough facilitators will be available to run the training, and that the churches taking part will be able to see the programme through and reap excellent results.

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Written by  Tearfund

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