As Christians, our faith compels us to speak up and take action against injustice and oppression. The Bible is clear in its teaching on this, that God stands for justice (Isaiah 61:8) and that this is God’s requirement for us also (Micah 6:8).
But it can be hard to know where to begin. Or to know how we can make a difference – especially with issues that seem overwhelming and longstanding, such as racial injustice.
Through our work at Tearfund, we see how racism destroys relationships, and broken relationships cause poverty and suffering.
If we want to bring an end to extreme poverty, we also need to address racial injustice. We need to remove barriers that stop communities of colour from living the life God intended for them (John 10:10).
We can all play our part in this.
Join with us by praying this prayer throughout your week and listen to how God responds.
Please pray
Lord, open our eyes to injustices around us – especially those we have overlooked. Lord, grant us your wisdom in how we respond and seek change.
Lord, open our ears to injustices around us – especially those we have ignored. Lord, grant us your humility to stop and listen.
Lord, open our ears to injustices around us – especially those we have accepted. Lord, grant us boldness to challenge the status quo.
Lord, let your kingdom come.
In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.