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The pastor and the peanuts

Pastor Feima, from Sierra Leone, suddenly became unable to provide for her family. But God had a plan. And it was nuts.

Written by Rachael Adams | 09 Aug 2021

Photo credit: Hazel Thompson/Tearfund

Pastor Feima, from Sierra Leone, left her part-time teaching job to focus on the church. Her husband was earning a decent wage and she was excited about how she could serve her community with this extra time. But then disaster struck – her husband broke his leg and could no longer work, leaving Pastor Feima unable to provide for her family. But God had a plan. And it was nuts.

‘I experienced food shortage; I could not afford either my basic needs or my family’s,’ shares Pastor Feima. ‘My life had completely changed unexpectedly.’

With four children to take care of, Pastor Feima knew that she needed to find a job alongside her role at the church. At first she was discouraged and frustrated over her situation, but then she decided to look to God for provision – even though she had no idea where this would come from.

An unexpected answer

Pastor Feima then received a letter from the ministry leadership of her church, inviting her to go on a training course led by Tearfund’s partner. The course was all about how churches could help people lift themselves out of poverty. And stay there.

As Pastor Feima took part in the training, she realised her mindset was changing on how she viewed challenges in her life. She was quick to put into practice what she had learned – both in church and at home.

Pastor Feima set up Bible study groups with her congregation to explore how they could find solutions to the problems they faced by using the resources they already had.

‘The process has brought great transformation in my personal life, the church and individual members of the church,’ she says. ‘And the church has embraced it so much that almost everybody has become part of the Bible studies and activities in the church.’

Coming out of her shell

Pastor Feima didn’t just preach this to others – she tried it herself too. Alongside her role in her church, she has acquired some land and planted peanuts to farm for profit.

‘It is my first time to be engaged in agriculture and my children and I are enjoying it,’ she shares. ‘In addition, since I have been engaged in this small scale farming life has been good to me, I can afford to address my needs and my family needs without depending on any outside support.’

The peanut farm is going so well that Pastor Feima is now able to hire some other people in the community to work on the land. This has created more job opportunities in the area.

‘I am really very grateful to God for the training as it is not just changing my life, but also bringing a lot of transformation in the life of the church and the membership as a whole.

‘In the church, broken relationships are being restored, people are engaged in their individual projects and lives are being transformed. The finances of the church have started increasing speedily as members were engaged in small businesses.’

God can do more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Instead of just providing for Pastor Feima’s own needs, God answered her prayer by equipping her to lift her community out of poverty too.

Pray with us

Spend a few moments in thanksgiving – praising God for how he has helped Pastor Feima and her community overcome poverty.

Reflect on a challenging situation you are facing today and recommit it to God, trusting in God to provide for you.

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Written by  Rachael Adams

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