Millions of people living in poverty are forced to live among huge piles of rubbish. They often resort to burning waste as they have no other way to dispose of it. This is causing respiratory problems and sickness, as well as polluting the environment and contributing to the climate crisis.
To address this problem in Pakistan, Tearfund has been equipping people to safely dispose of their waste in a way that protects both themselves and the environment.
Empowering communities
Our team has been working with local authorities to set up two Haryali hubs (recycling units) in some of the poorest communities. Each recycling hub serves more than 6,000 households, and collects, treats and recycles solid waste.
As well as clearing waste and improving the health of communities, these hubs are providing jobs for people and helping them to lift themselves out of poverty.
Raising awareness
To mark World Oceans Day, Tearfund staff organised a litter pick at a beach close to the communities they are working with in Karachi. Members of the community, as well as environmental activists and beach visitors, joined in with the cleaning campaign and learned about how to dispose of and recycle waste appropriately.