Even though Mehru’s husband did all he could to provide for the family by farming, they were struggling.
Then, Tearfund’s local partner, LAMP, began to work in Mehru’s village to help families find new ways of coping with the challenges they face. The team set up a self-help group for women which Mehru joined. There, she and the other group members were guided to start to save money together and think about new ways to earn and income. As part of the group's activities, they also learnt about the importance of health and hygiene for mothers and children.
Mehru says she had never considered saving before she joined the group, and that all the knowledge she gained made her feel strong as she began to understand the potential benefits of this new learning for her family.
Before long, Mehru was able to take a loan from the group’s savings to start a small business at home.
She started by purchasing clothing and sewing materials from Hyderabad city, and then embroidered designs on the clothing to sell in her village for a profit.
Mehru’s work proved popular and she now uses her earnings to help provide for her family. Her business is growing and she says that her family feels confident and hopeful for their future.
Mehru’s story of hope is one of many that encourage us as we continue to work, following Jesus where the need is greatest around the world.
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