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Nigel Harris prepares to hand over his role as Tearfund CEO

After nine years leading Tearfund’s work, Nigel Harris prepares to pass on the baton, but he’ll always be a supporter.

Written by Tarryn Pegna | 08 Jan 2025

Nigel smiles as he meets with local Tearfund staff and partner staff and members of a self-help group in Burundi.

Nigel Harris, Tearfund CEO until June 2025, on a recent trip to see Tearfund’s Transforming Communities work through local churches in action in Burundi. He says, ‘In my time at Tearfund, I have truly seen the church bring good news to those who live in poverty and I can witness to the truth of John 10:10 – that Jesus brings life to the full among the most marginalised and disadvantaged.’ Credit: Berthier Mugiraneza/Target

Nigel Harris has been Tearfund’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for just over nine years, but his relationship with Tearfund started many years before that when he first became a supporter just after leaving university.

Now, after prayerful consideration, Nigel has announced he feels the right time has come for him to move on from leading the organisation.

‘The role of CEO was always going to be a time-limited one,’ he says, ‘but, for me, being a Tearfund supporter is permanent. In a funny way, being chief executive has been a bit of a subset of being a Tearfund supporter.’

As he prepares to pass his role on to the next person that God is preparing for Tearfund, Nigel says, ‘It has been the greatest privilege of my working life to lead this extraordinary organisation.’

Good news, Tearfund and transformation

Nigel will leave the organisation having established a bold vision for Tearfund to equip 250,000 churches around the world to be centres of transformation, supporting communities to lift themselves out of poverty and into fullness of life.

‘In my time at Tearfund, I have truly seen the church bring good news to those who live in poverty and I can witness to the truth of John 10:10 – that Jesus brings life to the full among the most marginalised and disadvantaged. I have seen the power of the gospel to restore relationships, to create identity and agency and to release resources. I am so excited by how Tearfund is serving the global and local church to bring transformation.

‘I believe that lives, communities and even nations are being changed by the power of the gospel in its fullness and breadth. As we look to support 250,000 churches around the world, imagine a quarter of a million communities transformed for Jesus! Imagine the lives transformed, the communities changed, the churches growing, the savings groups formed, the women empowered, the peacebuilding, the end of sexual and gender based-violence, the climate-smart agriculture, the building of resilience, the ability of communities to adjust and survive in the face of unexpected events and disasters.

‘I have seen the power of the gospel to restore relationships, to create identity and agency and to release resources. I am so excited by how Tearfund is serving the global and local church to bring transformation.’
Nigel Harris, Tearfund CEO

‘In the nearly 40,000 churches and communities we are working with right now, all of these things are already happening. This is the church’s story. But, I believe God is genuinely using Tearfund to be an agency that supports the church to get this work started and to help it to grow and multiply in reach and impact. And if we hold to having Christ at the centre of everything we do, that will only continue to expand under new leadership.’

Finishing strong: the next six months

Nigel’s leaving date is planned for June 2025 and he says, ‘While I remain as chief executive for these next six months, it is my commitment to all of you that I want to finish as well as I possibly can to do all I can to help set up my successor, whoever that may be, and to give everything in these last six months as, I hope, I’ve given everything over the past nine years.

‘In my time at Tearfund, I’ve been privileged to visit more than 25 countries and I’ve seen churches acting as centres of hope and transformation, and that is still my testimony to you all: I believe that transformation is possible. And I believe that individual lives, communities and nations can be changed by the power of the gospel. And that is the hope of the world manifested through the local and global church.

‘As I look out into the world, I see two massively contrasting themes and a significant spiritual battle – I see a deeply traumatised and conflicted world, and I see the church bringing the good news of Jesus to the most deprived, and the most marginalised.

‘I’ve seen that transformation happen. I’ve been a witness to the church bringing change with the support of Tearfund. I have such faith in our loving and all-powerful God and his calling on his church.’

The yeast in the yeast

For Tearfund staff and partner staff around the world, Nigel’s smile, compassion and enthusiasm for pursuing the call of God, both as the church and as Tearfund are well known. His leadership style is personal and heartfelt and he will be greatly missed – including for his unique way of expressing things at times. In summing up Tearfund’s continued calling, he says, ‘The parable Jesus told of the yeast (in Matthew 13:33) speaks to us of the church’s role in bringing transformation in the world, and I feel like Tearfund is that yeast. Or perhaps, as we serve the church, we are the yeast in the church – we’re the yeast in the yeast!

‘I would like to thank all of you for your prayer, support and friendship. It has been such a privilege to be part of the worldwide body of Christ with you all, to share relationships all around the world and to work together in supporting the church to bring transformation.

‘Above all, I give glory to God and thank him for his faithfulness to Tearfund and to me.’

‘As we look to support 250,000 churches around the world, imagine a quarter of a million communities transformed for Jesus! Imagine the lives transformed, the communities changed, the churches growing, the savings groups formed, the women empowered, the peacebuilding, the end of sexual and gender based-violence, the climate-smart agriculture, the building of resilience, the ability of communities to adjust and survive in the face of unexpected events and disasters.’
Nigel Harris, Tearfund CEO

A word from Anna Laszlo, Tearfund’s Chair of the Board of Trustees

‘Under Nigel’s leadership, Tearfund has identified and tested its calling to be a servant of the church as the church responds to its calling to be salt and light and to bring transformation into the world.

‘With his deep passion for supporting those living in deepest poverty to define their own future, his strong faith in God and in God’s plan for the church, and his clear thinking, Nigel has led Tearfund into a place of focus and clarity on its role. As a result, individuals, relationships, churches and communities have been, and continue to be, deeply and sustainably changed.

‘Nigel has been a genuine servant leader, combining vision, strength and humility. Tearfund has been greatly blessed in this. He has led Tearfund in walking closely with and relying on God in all things as we follow him where the need is greatest.

‘On behalf of the Board and Tearfund as a whole, I give huge thanks to Nigel for all he has brought to and done for Tearfund. I wish him every joy both in the coming six months, and in the season that will follow.’

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Written by  Tarryn Pegna

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