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Why faith and social action go hand-in-hand

John and Eirene Mills saw helping others as being a practical outworking of their faith in Jesus.

John and Eirene Mills had a heart to help other people. They were deeply passionate about the gospel and together, already had a strong desire to come alongside those in need within their local community. And by choosing to leave a gift in their will to Tearfund, their legacy of compassion continues to unfold around the world.

Before she met John, Eirene, a trained pharmacist, served as a missionary in South India for ten years. It was only, in 1956, when her mother sadly passed away that Eirene returned to the UK and, while on furlough, met and fell in love with John, a solicitor. After a whirlwind romance, John and Eirene married the following year. They built a happy life together in Dorset and later, were blessed with a daughter, Christine.

John and Eirene supported countless people in their neighbourhood. They befriended people who were lonely and helped empower those who, despite hardships in life, were determined to turn their lives around.

Together, John and Eirene became involved in helping set up the Bournemouth Churches Housing Association (BCHA), which supported the homeless, both young and old. John’s desire was also to bring together people of different ages, holding Bible studies between the various floors of the different flats. Today, more than 50 years on, the BCHA has gone from strength to strength and is still continuing in their mission to improve the lives of those in their local community.

Faith in action

John and Eirene lived a life of love and compassion, selflessly expressed every day through their words and actions. They very much believed that social action and faith went hand in hand,’ shares Christine.

‘Dad, as a solicitor in his own practice, strongly advocated for the use of legacies to benefit others… charitable legacies could create wonderful opportunities. I am sure they are delighted, as am I, that their money can be used to make a difference to people’s lives.’

We are so grateful for the kindness and generosity that John and Eirene have shown to Tearfund.

Find out more about how you can put your faith in action and leave a gift in your will to Tearfund. Like John and Eireen, you can leave a gift that will transform lives for generations to come.

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