A desperate situation that’s getting worse
On Saturday 7 October 2023, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the north-west province of Herat killing more than 2,000 and damaging or destroying more than 1,300 homes.
29.2 million people across Afghanistan are in critical need of humanitarian aid, with 21.2 million in need of food and 1.3 million in need of shelter. Afghanistan is also highly prone to environmental disasters with droughts that stretch across several years and earthquakes that shake the land more frequently than most other countries. Poverty makes it difficult for people to prepare and recover when they happen.
Our partners began working as first responders, working quickly to remove the rubble of fallen houses and saving survivors stuck underneath. But the earthquake has taken many lives and, with health centres and other public services at full capacity, we fear there will be more loss. There will be many without safe homes to return to, without enough food to eat and without safe shelter in the coming harsh winter months.
What’s been done?
The generous donations of our faithful supporters have already made a difference. Families in need are receiving immediate, life-saving support – but there is still a need for more.
Tearfund has been working in Afghanistan for many years, responding to disasters and supporting communities and individuals to meet their basic needs. Since August 2021, we’ve reached more than 400,000 people, supplying:
- 56,325 with food assistance
- 91,000 with water, sanitation and hygiene assistance
- 135,000 with mental health and psychosocial support assistance
- 108,500 with cash assistance
We’ve also actively supported the protection of marginalised groups by reaching 25,000 people through disability inclusion awareness and education, and life-saving birth skills.
This latest disaster threatens to wipe out huge strides that have been made by the affected communities.
Please consider donating to support the life-saving efforts of the Tearfund team and our partners at this time in Afghanistan.