Waste collectors in France’s capital city are striking over plans to raise the retirement age. Whilst Paris is not somewhere Tearfund works, the shocking images in the media and online offer a small glimpse into the daily lives of 2 billion people around the world who have no safe way to dispose of their rubbish.
In many places, living amongst disease-breeding piles of garbage is not a temporary inconvenience but an ongoing problem. Often, people in these situations have little choice but to resort to burning waste in open dumps, on street corners or even in their own backyards, which releases toxic fumes causing serious health problems for those living nearby.
The global plastic treaty
The talks being held in Paris in May, are the next steps toward creating a global plastic treaty. Tearfund is calling on the leaders from almost 200 countries who will be attending to ensure a treaty that will bring an end to the plastic pollution problem, bring an end to open dumping and burning and that will protect the rights and working conditions of informal waste pickers. Waste pickers play a vital role – particularly in areas where formal waste management is either poor or non-existent.
As Christians, we believe that it is part of our responsibility to love our neighbours and our planet and treat them with respect. And you can help us make a difference.
Add your voice to this vital conversation by joining our rubbish campaign.
There’s a petition for you to sign (and share with friends and family) here.
As the rubbish situation in Paris draws our attention in the media and gives us a glimpse of what life looks like for many people around the world, please will you take a moment to pray and to take action with us.