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Rohingya refugees at risk during monsoon season

Four years since the Rohingya crisis began, Rohingya people still face big challenges – especially at this time of year.

Written by Rachael Adams | 27 Aug 2021

It’s the middle of monsoon season in Bangladesh – a time of added challenge for Rohingya refugees. Their lives, homes and health are put at risk from heavy rainfall and flooding, but with limited resources they have nowhere to turn.

It is four years since almost 890,000 Rohingya people fled extreme violence in Myanmar and found refuge in Bangladesh. Half of these are children. They now live in crowded camps in Cox’s Bazar, in shacks made of bamboo and plastic sheets that cling to steep, bare hills.

And when the rains come, life becomes even harder.

Flash floods and landslides

In the last few weeks, monsoon rains triggered landslides and flash floods in the hilly areas of the camps. Eight people have lost their lives and more than 25,000 shelters have been destroyed, along with toilets, showers and taps.

‘The unaccompanied and separated children are at high risk in this monsoon period, as no one is beside them to support [them],’ shares Said Iqbal Mosaraf, Field Coordinator for our local partner, COAST Foundation. ‘Most of the shelters are extremely damaged by heavy monsoon [rains] and need urgent repairs.’

And that’s exactly what COAST has been doing. They have also been relocating families that have lost their homes or are most at risk from further damage. Many families have also received essentials such as soap, water purifying tablets and clothes.

Hope for the future

Rohingya refugees have already been through so much. Tearfund’s local partners offer mental health support to help them recover from the trauma they have faced, but it’s hard to rebuild your life when your home is not a place of safety.

Please join us in prayer for Rohingya refugees during this challenging season.

Pray with us

God of peace, Who sent angels to comfort Elijah, bring your restful sleep and ease to Rohingya refugees who are feeling anxious and fearful.

God of creation, Who made the Earth and everything in it, bring your protection to Rohingya refugees and keep them safe in this season and beyond.

God of provision, Who fed the Israelites in the desert, bring shelter, food, warmth and opportunity to Rohingya refugees.


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Written by  Rachael Adams

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