Do you want to take a closer look at the climate crisis and how Christians are called to respond? Christianity and climate change is a nine-part film series featuring Katharine Hayhoe, the internationally renowned Christian climate scientist. In each episode, she responds to climate questions from key church leaders and members in Scotland. You can also find discussion questions and further actions to go with each film in our leader's guide.
Christianity and climate change
A nine-part film series featuring Katharine Hayhoe, the internationally renowned Christian climate scientist

Films in the series
Film one: What the Bible says about the natural world
'What is your understanding from the Bible of how God views the natural world?'
Film two: Climate change is a poverty issue
'How is climate change affecting the developing world where organisations like Tearfund work?'
Film three: How to persuade others to care about climate change
'Do you have any advice on how we help fellow Christians understand the importance of working to end climate change?'
Film four: What we can do as a church
'What advice would you give churches that want to do something together to combat the effects of climate change?'
Film five: Speaking to other Christians about climate change
'What are the ways in which we can engage in the climate change debate and gently point people to Jesus?'
Film six: Grateful for fossil fuels but time to move on
'How do you engage with Christians who may take a very different view than you do regarding climate change?'
Film seven: Climate change is a threat multiplier
'How do we ensure that care for creation and climate change remain not only on the agenda, but high up the agenda?'
Film eight: There can be a better future
What are some key changes you hope happen after lockdown procedures ease in terms of climate change-related behaviour?
Film nine: It is not too late
Given the trajectory in our use of greenhouse gases and the global rise in temperature, is it already too late to react?
Film one: What the Bible says about the natural world
'What is your understanding from the Bible of how God views the natural world?'
Film two: Climate change is a poverty issue
'How is climate change affecting the developing world where organisations like Tearfund work?'
Film three: How to persuade others to care about climate change
'Do you have any advice on how we help fellow Christians understand the importance of working to end climate change?'
Film four: What we can do as a church
'What advice would you give churches that want to do something together to combat the effects of climate change?'
Film five: Speaking to other Christians about climate change
'What are the ways in which we can engage in the climate change debate and gently point people to Jesus?'
Film six: Grateful for fossil fuels but time to move on
'How do you engage with Christians who may take a very different view than you do regarding climate change?'
Film seven: Climate change is a threat multiplier
'How do we ensure that care for creation and climate change remain not only on the agenda, but high up the agenda?'
Film eight: There can be a better future
What are some key changes you hope happen after lockdown procedures ease in terms of climate change-related behaviour?
Film nine: It is not too late
Given the trajectory in our use of greenhouse gases and the global rise in temperature, is it already too late to react?
Film one: What the Bible says about the natural world
'What is your understanding from the Bible of how God views the natural world?'
Film two: Climate change is a poverty issue
'How is climate change affecting the developing world where organisations like Tearfund work?'
Film three: How to persuade others to care about climate change
'Do you have any advice on how we help fellow Christians understand the importance of working to end climate change?'
Film four: What we can do as a church
'What advice would you give churches that want to do something together to combat the effects of climate change?'
Film five: Speaking to other Christians about climate change
'What are the ways in which we can engage in the climate change debate and gently point people to Jesus?'
Film six: Grateful for fossil fuels but time to move on
'How do you engage with Christians who may take a very different view than you do regarding climate change?'
Film seven: Climate change is a threat multiplier
'How do we ensure that care for creation and climate change remain not only on the agenda, but high up the agenda?'
Film eight: There can be a better future
What are some key changes you hope happen after lockdown procedures ease in terms of climate change-related behaviour?
Film nine: It is not too late
Given the trajectory in our use of greenhouse gases and the global rise in temperature, is it already too late to react?

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